Customer Experience Roadmap for Car Dealerships

Whether a restaurant, your phone provider, or the car dealership you're inquiring at, customer experience is arguably what keeps the customer doing business with your company the most. Ever gone to get a bite to eat, and the food was great but, maybe it took too long to get to your table, or the waiter was just rude and not enjoyable? Despite the food being good, you decide you won’t be going there again because the experience wasn’t great. That same exact concept applies to your Dealership. Let’s take a look at what the customer looks for when going to your dealership to inquire about a vehicle.

  1. Educational & Polite. - They want to speak with an expert who not only will answer all of their question with enthusiasm, but will also make recommendations based off their needs. No sense in talking to a salesman who either doesn’t have the details or shows any interest when speaking with an individual. People like to feel catered to, so when they speak with someone who seems to be very passionate and loving of what they do, they create a sense of comfortably and trustworthiness.

  2. Time Efficiency. - People like to spend their day doing the things they enjoy. Most people don’t typically enjoy spending an entire day at a dealership. In most cases, it may be necessary to spend additional time to get set up with all the right paper work for purchase. As long as people see youre doing everything in your power as a dealership to make this process as quick and painless as possible, people tend to typically appreciate. A common review we see across all types of industries would be along the lines of “I went there, and I was in and out within a few hours, it was amazing.” People enjoy being fast to the point and getting what they want.

  3. Transparency. - Customers don’t like being lied to. Nobody does. People don’t like getting half way or more through a process and being told it’s about to be completed, getting to the end and then being told the opposite. In some cases, you just can’t get them the price they are looking for. But at the end of the day if you’re letting them know you’re not making promises, but you can look into it, then people respect that. They also think of you as a hero if you do end up pulling it off. Not only for new care sales, but even the service side. When people are told their vehicle will be ready in 2 hours they expert their vehicle to be ready in 2 hours, they don’t like showing up then it’s not ready for another 2 hours. That could lead to a bad review. However, if you call them before the original time frame to let them know it will take a bit longer, chances are they will understand.

  4. Great Deals. - At the end of the day, what makes customers the most happy is if they get what they want for a great deal. That applied with the customer service of a great salesman can make a big impact on the over all customer experience. Being able to work with the customer on their credit, how much they can put down and aim for specific monthly payments makes a huge impact on their experience. It shows that the individual and the name behind the dealership cares enough to do what is within their power to get the customer on the road. Most people go back to the same dealership after purchasing a vehicle for their next vehicle!

  5. Asking for a Review. - If you’ve gone through all the other steps, chances are the customer will take it upon themselves to write a review, but if not, it is always beneficial for the dealership to ask for a review! What works even better is using Droptop Socials developed app to easily request reviews while also posting client purchases! Giving you a boost on your Google Business Profile through content and positive reviews. Ultimately attracting more traffic through online local search. It all starts with the experience! Customer service and a job well done entices individuals to tell others and leave good reviews. Need assistance with developing and optimizing your online showroom and enhancing the buying experience at your dealership? Contact Droptop Social for a FREE consultation today, just click “contact” at the top of the website to schedule a time to speak with one of our experts.

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